Monday, June 29, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


2009 m,uq jdr mÍÌKh

n/ lkafof.or uOH uyd ú»,h

isxy, NdIdj yd idys;Hh

11 fY%aKsh ld,h meh 02hs

1'2'3'3' hk m%Yak y;r wksjd¾h jk w;r 5'6'7 hk m%Yak j,ska tlla f;dardf.k m%Yak mylg ms

1'& my; wid we;s flá m%Yak j,g ysia;eka mqrjñka ms
1& wmg;a ojil br mhdfod flál;dj'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' flál;d ix.%yfhka Wmqgd f.k

we;s w;r tys l;=jrhd' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''uy;dh

2& tÉ'tï' ;=v,s.u lúhd fld
hk wh Tyq yd iu ld,Sk lúfhd fj;s'

3& Ôjl l;d jia;=j ''''''''''''''''''''''''''' idys;H hq.hg wh;a '''''''''''''''''''''''' kï .%ka;fhka Wmqgd


4& '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' kï weu;sjrhdf.a werhqfuka nqoaO mq;% ysñhka'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' kï .%ka;h

Rpkd lr we;'

5& isjqmo wdlDfhka rpkd lrk ,o uq,au cd;l l;d ldjH f,I ''''''''''''''''''''''' yÿkajd Èh

6& lsªre j, ''''''''''''''''''''' Wmqgdf.k we;s w;r th '''''''''''''''''''''''''' idys;H hq.hg wh;a mµ


7& reishdkq cd;sl''''''''''''''''''''''''''''f.a'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' kdgH weiqfrka hq'ta .=Kfialr uy;d

u.=,a m%ia;dj kdgH" oelajsh ylsh'

8& kdgH fõÈld .; jk whqre I,ld ne,Sfï§ tajd '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' jYfhka fofldgilg

fjkalr ±laúh yelsh'

9& uydudhd foaúh ÿgq isyskh kï mµ mka;sh ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' kï ckkdgH .%ka:fhys

we;=,;afjk th ''''''''''''''''' idys;H hq.hg wh;a hehs ie,fla'

10& fõfoaY ysñhka úiska''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' weiqfrka rpkd lrk ,o ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

wdr[a[l j¾hg wh;a l;d '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' tlla f,i W;a;frda,sh jia;=j

yeskaùug ms ^,: 2‹10=20&

2'& my; ±lfjk .µ mµ fldgia j, bß wes moj, w¾:h fjkuu olajñka iuia; fldgfia
W¾:h ,sys,a niska ,shkak'

1' tl, l¾udkaú; jHdêhla yer wjfYaI jHdê tl wdf,am ud;%djlska wka;¾Odk jk ;rï ÈjHuh T!IO W.;a;djQ Yl%fhda ðjlhka i;a yjqreoaola uq¿,af,ys ffjµ Ydia;%h W.kajd ksujQy'

2& iqoafoa Wnh l=, hq;= wh misoafoa
Joafoa úkd fkdflfr;s f,dj fkdjoafoa
neoafoa weúÈkd ovhfuys ¨oafoa
jeoafo lshkq hq;= uk rfcls úoafoa

3'& iqÿ il f,ig we;a meáfhla ú;a hyfka
iqÿ fidv áflka uf. Nv msß uÈks wfka
iqÿ há fohl isÿfjhs fuu ÿgq iSfka
iqoika ksßÿfka fudl±hs Th iSfka

4& nejska fus odkh Tsyg im, jk fia flfrushs is;d t;kysu isg jsoraykd jvd ry;aj jevys lgq w,h j,d jod< fial'

3' Fuu m%Yak iyd m%Yak folla ,efnk w;r bka leu;s m%Yakhlg ms
1& oqmam;alu yd wirKlu Wm;ska lrmskakd .;a isrshdj;S kue;s mdi,a oersh ks, n,h
yuqfjS ;j oqrg wirK ;;ajfha w.dOhg weo jefgk nj;a wmg;a ojil br mdhdfoad
flgs l;dfjka jsjrkh fjS' iqoqiq ksoiqka iys;j meyeos,s lrkak

2& tps' tus l+v,s.u ljshd jsiska ksraus; jeiai moH mka;sfhka ksrEmkh jkafka fidndoyu"
.yfld< usksid we;=¨ i;d'isjqmdjdg jeiai buy;a wdYs¾jdohla njh' iqoqiq ksoiqka
Fhdouska meyeos,s lrkak'

4' Fuu m%Yak iyd m%Yak folla ,efnk w;r bka leu;s m%Yakhlg ms
1& ;u Psjs;hg n,mdk ndOl yd wNsFhda. bf.kqu ;= prs;fhka j¾:udk YsIH mrmqrg ,nd fok wdo¾Yhls' iqoqiq ksoiqka Fhdouska meyeos,s

2& mgq tosrsjdoslus uq,lrf.k wkjYH .egqus we;slr .ekSu .eus iudcfha iq,N ,laIKhls'
u.=,a m%ia;dj kdgH weiqfrka fus lshuk meyeos,s lrkak'

5'6'7 m%Yak j,ska tlla f;dard ,shkak

5& lsªre j,m meos mka;sh ;=l;=jrhd iu;a jS we;' iqoqiq ksoiqka Fhdouska meyeos,s lrkak

6& wisrsu;a mqoa.,hl=f.a f,dj my, jSu uq,a lrf.k tla isyskhla fkdj isysk je,lau ksrEmKh
lsrSug hfYdaOrdj; ljShd W;aidy f.k we;' ’uyduhd foajsh oqgq isyskh¶ mdvu weiqrska
iqoqiq ksoiqka Fhdouska meyeos,s lrkak

7&odkfhys wdksYxi yqjd oelajSug losu ksoiqkla f,I W;a;frda,sh l;d jia;=j Tn fldf;la oqrg
w.hkafkaoehs meyeos,s lrkak

2009 m,uq jdr mÍÌKh

n/ lkafof.or uOH uyd ú»,h

isxy, NdIdj yd idys;Hh 11

11 fY%aKsh ld,h meh 02hs

m%Yak ish,a,gu ms

1'& flá m%Yak 10 ls' m%YAkhlg ,l=Kq 2 ne.ska ,l=Kq 20 ls'

1& my; ±lfjk jdlH j,g iqÿiq wdLhd; moh fhdokak'

;d;=;do" uuo" wïudo fmryer ne,Sug''''''''''''''''''''''''' mshd fkdfyd;a uu /iaùug


2& wjH mo''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''" ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' jYfhka fofldgilg fnfoa'

3& iqñysß" mn,: iqmqka hk mo ljr mo j¾.hg wh;afõo'

4& ;=re" olajd" fuka" fia" jyd hk mo ljr mo j¾.hg wh;afõo'

5& hfkk" .=re;=ud" .xfjr< hk ikaê mo úikaê lr ,shkak'

6& my; ±lfjk jdlHj, bß wes mo wh;a fjk iudi j¾.h kï lrkak'

1 wm lrk wl=i,a ksid wmd.;ùug wmgu isÿfõ'

2 fkdfndaod mej;s ix.S; m%ix.hg Èjhsfka m%isoaO .dhl .dhsldfjda /ila

iyNd.s jQy' ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

7& my; ±lfjk jdlHj, bß wes mo ljr jHdlrK .Khg wh;afõo'@

1 Wmdisldj u,a fk
2 ±ßh kgñka .S .ehqjdh' ''''''''''''''''''''''''

8& f.afodr" fl ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

9& my; iyka jdlH iqÿiq úfYaIk mo fhdd iïmQ¾K lrkak'

1 ''''''''''''''''''''''fin,d''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''rg /l .kS

2 '''''''''''''''''''''''l%Svlhd '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ÿjñka ch.%yKh ;yjqre lf3

10& my; § we;s jpk j, we;eï ;efkl wlaIr úkHdih jerÈh'" ksjerÈ lr ,shkak'

mß>kl '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' iuQmdldrh '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

fft;sydisl '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' úYsIag ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' m%;sm, ''''''''''''''''''''''''''

^,: 2‹10=20&
2'& Tng ,nd§ we;s fldgia y;r weiqfrka tlla f;drdf.k jpk 250 lg fkdwvq jkfia rpkhla ,shkak'

^1& Y%S ,xldfõ ud¾. Wk;=re jeäùfï m%jK;djla olakg ,efnhs' wmf.a ud¾. moaO;sfha mj;akd ÿ¾j,;d fïkau" úúO .kfha r: jdyk" Ojk ixLHdfõ jeäùu;a" wn,kajQ jyk Odjkfha fh§u;a" îu;aj ßh meoùu fukau mÈl hkaf.a ud¾. kS;s ms

^2& f,dal wdyr w¾nqohla bÈßfhaÈ we;sfj;ehs u;hla mj;s" wydr øjH j, ñ, .Kka iS>%fhka by, hdula j¾;udkfha olakg ,eîuo ths fmr ksñ;s hehs ie,lsh yelsh' fuu m%Yakh iyd úiÿï fiSug rcho úúO jHdmD;sj, kshf,hs' tfy;a mdi,a isiqka jk wmo wfma f.;a;" mdi,a j;a; wdo¾Y j.d ìï njg m;a l, fyd;a fï m%Yakhg lsishï m%udKhlska úiÿï ,nd foñka Tng odhl úh yels fõ'

^3& bkaOk ñ, .kka Èfkka Èk by

^4& reÿre ;%ia;jd§ka wo ;eka ;eka j, fndïn mqmqrejñka wirK ñksia csjs; /ila ì,s .ksuska iák w;r" rcho uyck wdrlaIdj m;d úúO jevigyka Èh;a lrñka isàu olakg ,efí' uyck Ôú; yd foafmd, wdrlaIdlsÍï rchg fukau ;%súO yuqodjg muKla Ndrlr wm mfilg ù isàu lsisfi;a fkdjáhs' fï ;;a;ajh wju lr .ekSug Tfí fhdckdo we;=<;a fldg rpkhla ,shkak'

3'& my; ±lfjk w" wd" hk fldgia j, idrxYh jpk 20 ;a 25 w;r .Kklska hqla; jk f,i fjka fjkaj ,shkak" W;a;rfha we;=<;a jpk .Kk W;a;rh w. ,shd olajkak
^,l=Kq 5‹2=10&

^w& ruKSh ÿxys Èh we,a, W;al¾Ij;a f,i keröug foia úfoia ixpdrlfhda fndfyda fokd meñfKk w;r " th keröfuka buy;a i;=gla úfkdohla ,nñka Túyq m%S;su;a fj;s' fidndyyfï uEKshka úiska ks¾udKh l< fuu wmQre ksujqu nÿ¨ mqrfha wmg w.kdjQ;a " idvïnrjQ;a odhdohla jk w;r is;a ms;a ke;a l=ßre ñksiqka fuys we;s o¾YKSh w,xldrh úkY lsÍug le,s li, oud mdßißl .eg¿ we;s lsÍfïka u;a øjH Ndú;h " u;ameka mdkh " fm%au mdrd§ihla lr .ekSu jeks fya;= ksid ixialD;sl .eg¿o jYfhka j¾:udkfha úYd, .eg¿ /ila we;slsÍu fÄodkaú; jQ fYalckl isÿùï f,I tajd wm fy

^wd& fmrÈ. f,dalfha nn,k uq;= wegh kñka úreodj,sh ,ndf.k we;s wm Y%s ,xldfõ foaaY.=Kh " mi hkdÈh f;a " fmd,a " rn¾ jeks jHdmdßl wruqK fmr ±ß lr .;a jdKsc fNda. iyd iqÿiq hehs ms

4'& my; iyka .S;h weiqßka wid we;s m%Yakj,g ms

;srh wefrkjd - ;srh jefykjd
T,ajrika yË me;srfkjd
i¿;f,ka nei udkùldjka
;df,g bÕ iqÕ kgjkjd

l,f.ä kegqug -- l,f.ä fid,j;s
k, j;=frka iekfyk orefjda
f.dhï kegqulg °le;s fid,j;s
l=Tqrla weifkd.egqk orefjda

fomd /fk uq;a fnrlú ;df,g
lr,sh ysñ ke;s wfma fyakg l=Tqrg .; iú Èhfldg
lr,sh wNshi n,d ysÈhs

.S mo - nxvdr weye,shf.dv
.s ;kq - frdayk ùrisxy
.s yË – iqks,a tÈßisxy

^1& lúhd fuu .S;h ks¾udKh lr we;af;a l=uk wruqkla mokï lrf.k±hs myokak

^2& fojk .S; LkaËfha§ rplhd olsk idudc h:d¾:h l=ula±ha iyka lrkak'

^3& fomd /fk uq;a fnrlú ;df,g - lr,sh ysñ ke;s wfma
^4& lshd mejiQ iudc mka;s fNaofhka f;dr wOHdmk l%uhla iyd j;auka wOHdmk l%uh flfia úh hq;= ±hs myokak'

^5& kQ;k
5'& .d,a, ynrd¥fõ fi;aisß ksjfia mÈxÑ wð;a ms%h,d,a O¾ur;ak my; ±kaùfï ±lafjk ;k;=r iyd wjYH ish¨ iqÿiqlï ;udg we;ehs i,ld ;udf.a úia;r we;=,;a f;dr;=re we;=¨ úia;r we;=<;a lrñka' ±kaùïlre fj; hefjk ,shqu jpk 125 - 150 w;r jk mßÈ ,shkak'

.nvd md,l wenE¾;=

iqÿilï - w' fmd" i idudkH fm, iu¾:h yd Wiia fm, úIhka ;=klska iu;aùu
jhi - wjqreÿ 18 - 35 w;r
.vvd md,kh ms

2009 m,uq jdr mÍÌKh

n/ lkafof.or uOH uyd ú»,h

ks¾uKlrkh yd ;dlaIKfõoh

11 fY%aKsh ld,h meh 02hs
1 fldgi

Wod, ksjerÈ ms
^1'& ks¾udKlrK l%shdj,sh yd wod,jk m
1& msßsú;r f.dv ke.Su 3& .eg¿j úYaf,aIKh
2& .eg¿uh wjia:d yÿkd .ekSu 4& ie,iqï igyka weSu

^2'& uekSfï yd i,l=Kq lsÍfï WmlrKhla fkdjkafka

1& jdfka fldaÿj 3& uq¿ uÜgu
2& ñkqï máh 4& w;a lsh;

^3'& m%:udOdr ,nd §u hkq

1& ffjµjrhd úiska ,ndfok m%;sldrhhs'
2& frda.s iqjh ,nk úg frdayf,a§ ,nk m%;sldrhhs'
3& frda.S ;;ajh u; ,n fok m%;sldrhhs'
4& ffjµjrhd fj; /f.k hdug m%:u ,nd fok m%;sldrhhs'

4'& f*ria f,dayhla fkdjkafka'

1& ldnka jdfka ' 3& ;T'
2& hlv' 4& ÖkpÜá'

5'& øjHhl ,laIkhla f,i yeskfjk Nx.=r;djh hkq l=ulao'"

1& iïmSvkhg Tfrd;a;= §fï yelshdjhs
2& ;dmh .uka lsÍfï yelshdjhs
3& lïmkfhs§ mqmqrd hdfï yelshdjhs
4& úÿ,sh .uka lsÍfï yelshdjhs

6'& ú,hkSh;djh iys; øjHhla jkafka

1& ±j 2& hlv' 3& isfïka;s 4& bá

7'& ±j moï lsÍu hkq "

1& ±j úh,Suhs
2& ±j ms,siaiSuhs
3& ±j wdrlaId lsÍuhs
4& ±j j, wvx.= c, m%udkh wvq lr mßirfha f;;ukh yd iudk lsÍuhs'

8'& tla Yla;s j¾.hla " ;j;a Yla;s j¾.hla njg m;a l, yels WmlrK yªka jkafka'
1'& mdrkdhl 3& iafkayl'
2& ixfõol 4& m%;sfrdaOl

^9'& kegqul ;sìh hq;= uQ,sl .=Kdx.hla fkdjkafka

1'& w,xldrh' 3'& ia:dhs;djh'
2'& wkdrlaIs; nj' 4'& l,a meje;au'

^10'& f,day j,ska ksmojk k< j¾.hla fkdjkafka'

1'& .e,ajks; k<' 3'& ÖkpÉÑ k<'
2'&mS"ú"is" k< 4'& ;U k<'

^11'& .Dy úÿ,s mßm:hla iyd ksjilg ,efnk úÿ,s m%udkh"

1'& 200v 3'& 230v
2'& 2200v 4'& 3400v

^12'& w.,a 2 la È. miqrl /oúh yels /yeka m%udkh jkafka"

1'& 2 3'& 5
2'& 6 4'& 3

^13& .Dy úÿ,s mßm:hl " mßm; ie,iqu wesfï§ wod, mßm; igyfka uq,skau we;af;a'

1'& m%Odk iaúph' 3'& fnodyeÍfï mqjrej'
2'& fiajd ú,dhlh' 4'& lsf,da fjdaÜ meh ógrgh'

^14'& mßm: ìskh ±lafjk ixfla;h jkafka'

^15'& myka Odrlhl isg fjk;a ia:dkhlg ;djld,sl iemhqula ,nd .ekSu iyd Nú;d lrkqfha'"

1'& /yeka miqre' 3'& isÕs;s mßm: ìsk'
2'& flfjks mßm:' 4'& wkqyqre ;=rej'

^ë'& 16 -- 20 olajd m%Yak j,g .e,fmk ms
^ foda,k " cjh " m%fõ. " m%fõ. wkqmd;h " p,k ÈYdj " cjh iïfma%Ikh &

^16'& TkaÑ,a,djla ;=
^17'& t
^18'& Yla;sh W;amdokh lsÍfï is.%;djh ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' f,i yªkajhs'

^19'& t,efjk frdaofha úYalïNh " w

Friday, March 6, 2009



Module Number 2 Assignment 2.1 Version 1.1

Group Members

01. M.H.Dinesh Kumara
02. P.G. Bandula Karunarathna
03. W.N.P. Weerakkody
04. Y.H.N.N. Banduprema


This biographical sketch about a great novelist in Sri-Lanka related to the Sinhala literature in grade 10 students. This is a task to students to refer a great person who did yeomen service to the country. Many students prefer to find out information on novelists, dramatists, poets, etc… as they are allocated to study on them.

Writing biographical sketches students can be able to absorb many benefits. At first students absorb the important event on their lives, the values and qualities of their biographies and take some political social cultural and economical backgrounds of the contemporary society. Then they get some ideas how the past was and how the present is and the differences both eras. Secondly it is affected that their qualities of lives to students. They try to behave like that. Then it may be a source of building a good society.

On the other hand, this task based on finding information from Internet, libraries, resource persons etc… So the students automatically involved to find that information by them. That is very important because they must have engaged in Internet to search information on the topic and also they have to meet resource persons and gather information, refer libraries and find information. Then their technological skills, communicative skills are to be improved.

And finally, they have to set up their results as a typed text .Then their typing speed and team work manners are to be improved. And also they have chances to present their task as a text. Especially they have to find information by using both Sinhala and English language. Then students’ knowledge of both languages is improved. The ability to translating passages, building vocabulary is other benefits of task.

Targeted group

Class: Grade 10/11
Number of students: 20
Number of Groups: 04
Number of students in a Group: 05

Basic requirements

01 Hardware and Software requirements
· 5 Computers
· Accessibility Word 2003 or 2007 Version
· Web browser (Internet explorer, mozilla firefox,
Netscape navigator etc….)
· Search Engine ( Yahoo ,Google , Yahoo ligon[KS1] , )
· printer

02 Other requirements
· Martin Wickramasinge’s novels, Dramas, Poems etc….
· Resource person
· Compact Disks and Visual Compact Disks related to
Wickramasinge’s character

Pedagogical aspects
Grouping students is very important manner of learning teaching process because as the topic of the assessment is wide, it is many easy to student to gather information from various ways. And also tide relationships among students may increase.
Students may have absorb the characteristics values of Martin Wickramasingha by referring his biographic and try to take his values of character when some problems or troubles arise

When gathering information, students can absorb the polite patterns to communicate with many persons in many posts. Then students can absorb some manners of communicating with peoples, respecting peoples etc…

Students can improve their vocabulary in English and Sinhalees languages and work and gather information by some language.

Students get some abilities of presenting creative text and increase the typing speed etc… by typing and making the text.
In writing process student should follow the five phases or stages which useful to every written task. (planning ,information gathering , structuring and organizing information ,the first attempt of writing , revision)

Aspect of ICT skill

Of students

The targeted group who we choose to implement this must have some sort of knowledge with computer literacy. And they must have ability to access to internet and its features and familiar to do some works with Ms Word. And also it is required to have some knowledge and to understand some general commands on Ms Word such as ability to print documents etc…

Of teacher

Teacher must have thorough knowledge on computer environment and the operating systems, web browsing and the ability to prevent students from distracting the webs. And also the knowledge on Ms Word is essential, because the most of the lesson activities based on Ms Word. When conducting the lesson, some matters may arise from the students and then the teacher must have the ability to find out them and correct them.

Lesson plan

Steps 1 Teacher makes five groups including four members in one group. When grouping the students, teacher follow a certain rule to choose them. Teacher asks the student who have competence in English, who have the knowledge of computer and internet, who have the knowledge of sinhala typing and choose five from each and divide them balancing the groups.

Step 2
Teacher acknowledges the students on the goals and the topic and explains the tasks that every member has to engage. Under this, student has to write on a biographical sketch of Martin Wicramasinghe to present as text to enclose the school magazine or a wall paper. It must be included the birth ,childhood, school education, profession, involvement to writing, his works, awards, the later life on him and Martin Wicramasinghe’s museum

In the stage of planning student should be considered who audience, what type of font is. Size, colour, images has to use, how should be the layout, from where can gather the information, who are the resource persons,
Information gathering
(10 minutes)
Step 03
To collect this information students are given two weeks. To find information student can be referred their own ways (see annex 01)
Students can add charts, images, extracts as they prefer.
In the stage of gathering information, students can absorb the polite patterns to communicate with many persons in many posts. Then students can absorb some manners of communicating with peoples, respecting peoples etc…so student can take the information from libraries, web sites, resource persons, by field trips, and any other sources.
(Two weeks)
Structuring and organizing information

Step 04
After two weeks teacher asks the student to gather in group wise and conduct a discussion among the group members. Then each member has to pay their findings to a discussion. Finally students have to make a discussion on structuring and organizing information on their gathered information in group wise.

(80 minutes)
First draft
Step 05
05.1 Then using Ms Word, get the type those gathered information in sinhala medium in a given computer. (See annex 02)
Then report should be added to local net and given folder. (see annex 05 )
(One weeks)

Step 06

Then the students made a revision on their composition making ensure about the drafted text. Then student have to consider the correct usage of language (style, tone, grammar, spelling, choice of words etc….) and appropriate format.
(30 minutes)
· Each group must be shared the ideas on their composition as a written feedback
· It should be follow a certain manner to give the feedback begins with the positive elements of the text, then the response process. (constructive feedback)
· In constructive feedback firstly consider the strong points and later consider the weaker points. Then give the suggestions to overcome the short comings.
· Pay the admirations and appreciations when they have received

step 07

07.1 Presenting the text to evaluate the teacher and get the feedback from the teacher by handling a discussion by the teacher with each group presenting the facts that arise when evaluating the compositions. (See annex 06)
(80 minutes)

Considering the feedbacks which have given each group and the students have to make the final completed draft to send the teacher’s folder.( see annex 07 )

Feedback It is necessary to add the feedback when you complete the task. Then it should be included follows.

Get the feedbacks from each group sharing the ideas with other groups (see annex 03)

Referring those feedbacks prepare the copy of the text (see annex 04)

Teacher’s feedback

· Student should be completed the task using five phases (planning, information gathering, structuring and organizing information, first draft and revision )
· Using appropriate format
· Consideration on age group which refer this composition
· Professional aspect of the final layout.

Criteria for evaluation

(Give the suitable mark in relevant cage by putting “P”)

Index no:
Criteria of evaluation
Very good
Try again
Follow the five phases (five stages of writing )

Using ICT tools

Content of the text

Accuracy of information

Final layout of the text

Then students have to divide relevant information in certain order using the details of his character specially his birth,
Childhood, profession, his literary works, awards, his general life, later life etc…

In the next step student has to make the first composition on Martin Wicramasingha, according to the decided manners taken where in the fist stage.



module 5

Module Number 05 Assignment 5.1 Version 5.0

Group Members

01. M.H.Dinesh Kumara
02. P.G. Bandula Karunarathna
03. W.N.P. Weerakkody
04. Y.H.N.N. Banduprema


With the growing demand of implementing the new technological methods on education, Power Point takes place a presentation application that displays a series of designed slides to present a story, subject matters, advertisements or programmers in an attractive and effective manner. A presentation can be made more expressive with the usage of audio, video, pictures, texts, animations, drawings and buttons. We can replace Power point Presentations to the news papers, assembly, exhibitions, advertisements, notices and posters.
It is vastly motivated the students with the presentation made out by audios, videos, pictures, texts, animations, drawing and buttons in the learning teaching process. Students can display dynamic and attractive screen to audience using colour, texts types, speech, through the bubbles and templates using the suitable time durations. The students get more enthusiastic when they can add links to music and extracts from other resources such as television, Encarta, graphics internet and images downloading by the internet.
Then, with the intention of implementing the PowerPoint into learning teaching scenario, this task is focused grade 8, 9 and 10 students has selected as the benefactors. Here the Grade 8 students are expected to produce a linear type of presentation while the grade 9 and 10 students are expected to produce a branched type presentation where groups work under sub-themes. The ICT aspects involved in the task as the knowledge levels of students and the subject matters are gradually improved from lower grade to upper grades. (The ICT aspects are given below) as the preparation for the task, at the beginning of each project the students are given an opportunity to experiment on power point tools, through peer learning and with the help of the teacher.
In Grade 8 students have to search the places of paintings, sculptures, and wood carving on kandian era by peering the internet and other tools and present them in ms power point tool. The students of grade 9 have to search the numbers, the medium of colour that paintings were painted and the kind of events on, paintings, sculptures, and wood carving of those places and present them using the presentation tools. Grade 10 students have to find out the information (the author, historical and cultural importance of the events, the special features of the paintings and the differences with the paintings of other eras. etc…) on the artistic events those mentioned above and have to do the presentation using the presentation models.

Educational aspects
Since these projects are done as presentations, the students are highly motivated and they engage in the learning teaching process very creatively.
The students in grade 8, 9 and 10 do their task in parallel to the lessons on art subject in school learning teaching scenario. Not only they motivated to implement the knowledge on paintings in kandian era to the school based exams and other competitions in school but also they practiced to attach any social events such as educational trips and also in day to day events.
In these task the students of grade 8, 9, and 10 produce three presentations relevant to one topic. In the task teacher has given guidelines to students to do the task relevant to the grade level respectively from similar one to complex one. There they can get experiences peering on the important historical era in Sri Lanka in reporting paintings, culture and social factors using most appropriate presentation tools.
The whole students who participated to this task work in groups and produce presentations; there they get the feeling of team sprit, companionship and satisfaction. The students of grade 8 and 9 device their project works among groups. Their final presentation will be a branched type presentation connecting all the work done by the groups. Here they experience unity, team work and reaching goals through dedication and hard work. In the group itself, they get the opportunity to experience collaborate learning, as they share duties according to the different types of skills, the group members have.

Drafts for the three grades

Grade 8

Students in grade 8 have to find out the pictures of places that relevant to the paintings, wood carvings and sculptures in kandian era. Then they have to present them in linear type of PowerPoint presentation.

Grade 9

Students in grade 9 have to find out the information on the places that the grade 8 student found and submitted relevant to the paintings, wood carvings and sculptures in kandian era. In addition to that they should have to consider,

· The number of the arts the places have
· The medium of the arts: colour, materials etc…
· The kind of events the places have
Then they have to present their findings on branched type of PowerPoint presentation.

Grade 10

Students in grade10 have to find out the more and deep information on the places that the grade 9 student found and submitted relevant to the paintings, wood carvings and sculptures in kandian era. In addition to that they should have to consider,

· The author
· Historical and cultural importance of the events
· The special features of the arts
· The differences with the paintings of other eras especially Polonnaru, Anuradhapura Dambadeniya, Kotte. Etc…

Then they have to present their findings on branched type of PowerPoint presentation.

ICT Skills
Teacher Skills
The teacher should have a good knowledge of the functions and possibilities of presentation tools. Creating a well planned presentation with suitable lay out, design and most effective information is also a required teacher’s skill. The teacher should know the correct usage of colour, font type and font style, buttons and other navigational features, pictures, sound, designs and pictures presentations. The teacher also should have a clear idea to select suitable layout according to the type of the presentation and the audience of it.
The teacher need to be able to connect the presentations prepared by the groups under sub-themes and produce a branched type presentation with appropriate links.
The teacher should have a firm knowledge in distributing presentations prepared by the students. Here the presentation and all the files and folders linked to the presentation should be saved under one folder so that the links would be active at any computer. The teacher should be able to copy a presentation into CDs.
The teacher should be of a good knowledge on historical events, social and cultural background of subjected areas

Students’ skills
Grade 8

ICT skills

The students need to be familiar with opening folders, adding pictures into a presentation, adding texts pictures into a presentation, downloading pictures from internet, adding new blank slides and selecting a design to their presentation

Subject matter

The students should have the knowledge on historical sites in Sri Lanka, especially on kandian era. If not they are to be acknowledge on them

Grade 9

ICT skills

The students need to be familiar with opening folders, adding text into a presentation, inserting pictures and text into a folder, adding new blank slides.
The students should have an idea of using suitable font type font size, design, layout, header and footer, colour buttons and other navigation features etc.
They should also need to be aware of adding links to other folders and files, animating texts and pictures and producing a branched type presentation with appropriate links. The students also need to be aware of adding pictures into their presentation. The students have to be aware of the age group of the audience of their presentation.

Subject matter

The students should have the knowledge on historical sites in Sri Lanka, especially on kandian era. And also they should have thorough knowledge of the historical places and their paintings (number of paintings, kinds of paintings can be shown on that places and the painted materials etc…)

Grade 10

ICT skills

The students need to be familiar with opening folders, adding text into a presentation, inserting pictures from a folder, adding new blank slides. The students should have an idea of using suitable font type font size, design, layout, header and footer, colour buttons and other navigation features etc. They should also need to be aware of adding links to other folders and files; animating texts and pictures and producing a branched type presentation with appropriate links. They must have a firm understanding on saving and finding their files. The students also need to be aware of adding sound into their presentation.
The students need to be able to down load video clips from the internet or the television or to add their own video clips in a presentation. The students have to be aware of the age group of the audience of their presentation.

Subject matter

The students should have the knowledge on historical sites in Sri Lanka, especially on kandian era. And also they should have thorough knowledge of the historical places and their paintings (number of paintings, kinds of paintings can be shown on that places and the painted materials etc…). As well as they should have a keen knowledge of Sri Lankan cultural, social, economic and historical, political background of the kandian era and also other eras.


Hardware and Software: - 05 computers (Installed Microsoft office package with
Internet facilities to be used download pictures and information.

Grade : - Grade8, Grade 9 and Grade 10
Time Duration : - Grade8:- 220minutes
Grade9:- 380 minutes
Grade10:- 420 minutes
Subject : - art
Pre-preparations :- The teacher should prepare an activity to make the student get basic knowledge needed to be used in the targeted project, through engaging in the activity in an experimental way. For grade 8 students, the teacher gives the advice to the students to keep the necessary pictures relevant to the arts on Kandian era downloaded from the internet or Encarta and installed them in a folder.
Approach to the task

As the basic approach teacher should get the students who learn art subject in school teaching curricular and divide them into three groups. Then teacher has to make the involvement to collect the in formation on paintings, wood carvings and sculptures in kandian era. After the finding out the information teacher gets the students in grade 8 to perform their presentation given as an assignment by the teacher as shown in lesson plan.

Lesson Objectives:-

Grade 8

The students are motivated to find out the places where available paintings, wood carvings and sculptures can be seen in the kandian era. The students produce their activity as a power point presentation. The students practice coping pictures from the internet, adding pictures into a slide and preparing a linear type presentation. Then students distribute their presentation by any type of communicative models.

Grade 9
The students are motivated to find out information on paintings, wood carving, and an sculptures d their numbers of events, medium and kind of events relevant to the kandian era by internet, news papers, magazines, and articles that relate to the task. The students produce their activity as a branched type power point presentation with animations. The groups produce a branched type presentation in the groups using appropriate links. Then students distribute their presentation by any type of communicative models.


The students are motivated to find out information on paintings, wood carving, and sculptures and the author, historical and cultural importance of the events, the special features of the paintings and the differences with the paintings of other eras relevant to the kandian era by internet, news papers, magazines, and articles that relate to the task. The students produce their activity as a branched typed power point presentation with animations. The groups produce a branched type presentation in the groups using appropriate links. Then students distribute their presentation by any type of communicative models.

Lesson plan

Grade 9


Step 1

The teacher tells the students that the students are going to find the pictures relate to the kandian era’s paintings, wood carvings and sculptures and present them as PowerPoint presentation.
Then teacher divide the class into three groups providing them the certain areas to find out; paintings, wood carvings and sculptures. When grouping the students’ teacher should be consider the mixed abilities of ICT skills, English language skills and aesthetic sense should be in each group.

The teacher shows a structure diagram to the students to get an idea of their presentation. (This is given in Attachment 1 at the end of this lesson plan.)
An example of a presentation is given to the students to familiarize the Microsoft power point Tools. (Attachment 2)
The teacher tells the students that the students are going to find the places which are given by the grade 8 students after completing their task and to find some information such as the numbers of events; medium and kind of events relate to the kandian era’s paintings, wood carvings and sculptures and present them as PowerPoint presentation.

And that the students should produce their activity as a branched type power point presentation.
Then teacher divide the class into three groups providing them the certain areas to find out; paintings, wood carvings and sculptures. When grouping the students’ teacher should be consider the mixed abilities of ICT skills, English language skills and aesthetic sense should be in each group.
The teacher shows a structure diagram to the students to get an idea of their presentation. (This is given in Attachment 1 at the end of this lesson plan.)
An example of a presentation is given to the students to familiarize the Microsoft power point Tools. (Attachment 2)
(30minutes )
the teacher tells the students that the students are going to find the places which are given by the grade 9 students after completing their task and to find some more information such as the author, historical and cultural importance of the events, the special features of the arts and the differences with the paintings of other eras relate to the kandian era’s paintings, wood carvings and sculptures and present them as PowerPoint presentation.
And also that the students should produce their activity as a branched type power point presentation.

Then teacher divide the class into three groups providing them the certain areas to find out; paintings, wood carvings and sculptures. When grouping the students’ teacher should be consider the mixed abilities of ICT skills, English language skills and aesthetic sense should be in each group.
. The teacher shows a structure diagram to the students to get an idea of their presentation. (This is given in Attachment 1 at the end of this lesson plan.)
An example of a presentation is given to the students to familiarize the Microsoft power point Tools. (Attachment 2)
(40minutes )


Step 2

The students should have to find the pictures from internet to relevant the given task within given time.
(40 minutes)
The students should have to find the information to relevant the given task within given time.
Then students can collect the information on paintings, wood carving, and sculptures about their numbers of events, medium and kind of events relevant to the kandian era by internet, news papers, magazines, and articles that relate to the task.

(80 minutes )
The students should have to find the information to relevant the given task within given time.
Then students can collect the more information on paintings, wood carving, and sculptures about the author, historical and cultural importance of the events, the special features of the paintings and the differences with the paintings of other eras relevant to the kandian era by internet, news papers, magazines, and articles that relate to the task.
They down load video clips from the internet or the television or bring their own video clips in relevance to the situation they have got.
(80 minutes)


Step 3

Then students have to gather and organize the pictures what they found in separately on paintings, wood carving and sculptures and divide them into sub- themes.
(20 minutes)
Then students have to gather and organize the information what they found in separately on paintings, wood carving and sculptures and divide them into sub- themes.

(40 minutes)
Then students have to gather and organize the information what they found in separately on paintings, wood carving and sculptures and divide them into sub- themes.
(40 minutes)

Planning the

Planning the

Step 4

Here the students plan their presentation with the help of the teacher. Here they plan number of slides they are going to prepare, the order of the slides, what types of pictures to be include the slides, etc..
(20 minutes)
Together with the teacher the class as a whole, plan their presentation. Here they plan on the where to insert pictures, the order of the slides, what types of pictures to be include the slides, etc..
They also decide the number of slides they are going to use, to give examples for the structure they have got and for the text they are going to prepare.
The students decide how to prepare the master page and the links they are going to add in the group presentation. And also they should have to concern to save the pictures on separate folder.
(60 minutes)
Together with the teacher the class as a whole, plan their presentation. Here they plan on where to insert pictures and whether to insert sound. They also decide the number of slides they are going to use, the order of the slides, what types of pictures to be include the slides, etc...
To give examples for the structure they have got and for the text they are going to prepare. The students decide how to prepare the master page and the links they are going to add in the group presentation. And also they should have to concern to save the pictures on separate folder (video and audio).
(60 minutes)

Of material

Step 5

Before the students producing their presentation, they should have to digitize the materials.

(20 minutes)

Before the students producing their presentation, they should have to digitalize the materials. Then they have to concern on the text type of presentation and image type of presentation which they are going to be performed. Then students have to prepare these presentations to relevant with master page and each other slides.

(40 minutes)

Before the students producing their presentation, they should have to digitalize the materials. Then they have to concern on the text type of presentation and image type of presentation which they are going to be performed. Then students have to prepare these presentations to relevant with master page and each other slides.
The students edit the pictures they have collected in a way to be used in their presentation and save them in a separate folder.
The students edit the videos and sounds they have collected and save in a separate folder.

(40 minutes )

Step 6

The presentation must be presented in linear type of presentation and here they should greatly consider on background color of the slides, font color and font size.
(20 minutes )

Here they should greatly consider on background color of the slides, font color and font size, the type size, the position of the text and illustrations and how is sound to be used in the presentation. The students do necessary improvements considering the audience and aesthetics aspects. The students insert buttons and add necessary links to the slides and prepare a branched type presentation in the group.
(30 minutes)

Here they should greatly consider on background color of the slides, font color and font size, the type size, the position of the text and illustrations and how is sound to be used in the presentation. The students do necessary improvements considering the audience and aesthetics aspects. The students insert buttons and add necessary links to the slides and prepare a branched type presentation in the group.

(30 minutes)

Production of the presentation

Step 7

The students should practice the power point tools in engaging in the activity prepared by the teacher. Then the groups prepare a Home page.
As the students finish producing their presentations, the teacher adds an action button each to the slides to go to the next slide and does the final production of the presentation.

( 50 minutes)
The students should practice the power point tools in engaging in the activity prepared by the teacher.
Then the group members share the work among the members according to their abilities.
In the next set of slides they prepare the text with necessary pictures and animate pictures and text where necessary.
Then with the help of the teacher the groups get the three presentations into one folder. Then they design a home page and prepare a branched type presentation linking all the three presentations under the heading of paintings, wood carvings and sculptures.
(80 minutes)
The students should practice the power point tools in engaging in the activity prepared by the teacher.
Then the group members share the work among the members according to their abilities.
The groups prepare a Home page. They insert pictures from various files and folders in relevance to the examples they prepare in the first set of slides. They type some information on each slide and animate pictures and text.
The students add sound from the audio clips saved by them in a folder to the texts where necessary.
In the next set of slides they prepare the text with necessary pictures and animate pictures and text where necessary. Then the groups get the three presentations into one folder. Then they design a home page and prepare a branched type presentation linking all the three presentations under the heading of paintings, wood carving and sculptures.

(80 minutes)

Testing and distribution

Step 8

Teacher should distribute the presentations which have prepared by the student separately after copying them into CD to further reference to other students. Before the students perfume their presentation the teacher checks whether the digitization is correct and activate.
(20 minutes )
Teacher should distribute the presentations which have prepared by the student separately after copying them into CD to further reference to other students. Before the students perfume their presentation the teacher checks whether the digitization is correct and whether the links are activated.
(30 minutes )
Teacher should distribute the presentations which have prepared by the student separately after copying them into CD to further reference to other students. Before the students perfume their presentation the teacher checks whether the digitization is correct and whether the links are activated.
(40 minutes)

Attachment 01

Grade 10

Diagram for linking the slides (A sample)

Arts of kandia n era
Wood carvings









module 02

Module Number 2 Assignment 2.1 Version 1.0

Group Members

01. M.H.Dinesh Kumara
02. P.G. Bandula Karunarathna
03. W.N.P. Weerakkody
04. Y.H.N.N. Banduprema


This biographical sketch about a great novelist in Sri-Lanka related to the Sinhala literature in grade 10 students. this is a task to students to refer a great person who did yeomen service to the country. Many students prefer to find out information on novelists dramatists poets etc… as they are allocated to study on them.

Writing a biographical sketches students can be able to absorb many benefits . at first students absorb the important event on their lives , the values and qualities of their biographies and take some political social cultural and economical backgrounds of the contemporary society . then they get some ideas how was the past and how is the present and the differences both eras . secondly it is affected that their qualities of lives to students . they try to behave like that. Then it may be a source of building a good society.

On the other hand, this task based on finding information from Internet , libraries ,resource persons etc… So the students automatically involved to find those information on them. That is very important because they must have engage in Internet to search information on the topic and also they have to meet resource persons and gather information , refer libraries and find information. Then their technological skill , communicative skill might be improved .

And also , finally have to set up their results as a type text . then their typing speed and teem work manners is to be improved . and also they have chances to present their task as a text. Specially they have find information by using both Sinhala and English language . then students knowledge of both language is improved. The ability to translating passages , building vocabulary are other benefits of task.

Class: Grade 10
Number of students: 20
Number of Groups: 04
Number of students in a Group: 05

Basic requirements

01 Hardware and Software requirements
5 Computers
Accessibility Word 2003 or 2007 Version
Web browser (Internet explorer, mozula fairfox ,Nescape navigator etc…. )
Search Engine ( Yahoo ,Google , Yahoo ligan, )

02 Other requirements
Martin Wickramasinge’s novels , Dramas , Poems etc….
Resource person
Compact Disks and Visual Compact Disks related to Wickramasinge’s character

Pedagogical aspects
Grouping students is very important manner of learning teaching process because as the topic of the assessment is wide, it is many easy to student to gather information from various ways. And also a tide relationships among students may increased.
When gathering information students can communicate various persons in various post. Then students can absorb some manners of communicating with peoples , respecting peoples etc…
Students may have absorb the characteristics values of Martin Wickramasingha by referring his biographic and try to take his values of character when some problems or troubles arise
Students can improve their vocabulary in English and Sinhalees languages and work and gather information by some language.
Students get some abilities of presenting creative text and increase the typing speed etc… by typing and making the text.

Lesson plan
Step 1 Teacher makes five groups including four members in one group. When grouping the students teacher follow a certain rule to choose them . teacher asks the student who have competence in English, who have the knowledge of computer and internet, who have the knowledge of sinhala typing and choose five from each and devide them balancing the groups.
Step 2
Teacher acknowledge the students on the goals and the topic and explane the tasks that every members have to engage. Under this student s have to write on Abiograpical sketch of Martin Wicramasinghe to present as text to enclose the school magazine or a wall paper. It must be included the birth ,childhood, school education, proffetsion, involvement to writing, his works, awards, the later life on him and Martin Wicramasinghe’s museum
To collect this information students are given two weeks. To find information student can be refered their own ways (see annex 01)
Students can add charts, images, extracts as they prefer.

Step 03. after two weeks teacher asks the student to gather in group wise and conduct a discussion among the group members . then each members has to pay their findings to a discussion finally after discussion students have to make a outline on their presentation in group wise .

Then using Msword, type those outlines in sinhala medium in given computer . (annex 02)
Get the feedback from each groups sharing the ideas with other groups
(annex 03 )
Referring those feedbacks prepare the final copy of the text (see annex 04 )
Then final report should be added to local net and given folder . (see annex 05 )


Name of the team members:

Grade 7


Internet is the largest library that we can find in the world. The scope is very wide, but can easily accessible to everyone. So this is one of the most important sources for the students to study. In the internet web pages and E-mails are the most famous from of communication for many people collaboration across the others. Through the web pages students may find lot of information about their subject matters and other sources.
Through investigation and experiment students study the science lesson “Natural disasters and management”. Here students collaborate with other groups and do investigations to find out the results of their places, according to the above mentioned topic. Then selecting the facts makes web pages to deliver the messages among the other students. Using this method teacher do the lesson successfully, because it helps to prevent monotony among the students. Now a day web site is one of the most suitable communication tools. Here teacher can publish descriptions of current work of the lesson on the internet to know the students.


In this lesson teacher should have collaborate with the students to discuss about the lesson, because teacher should be made aware of them about the lesson plan and its procedure. The class should be 30 students and their may be 15 computers. Teacher gives 160 minutes to complete the task. Their final production should be their own web page of “Natural disasters and managements”. This is one of the science lessons of grade 7 students. So it may be somewhat different than their manual class-rooms lesson. To do this task it’s better to place the two students in each computer.


Through this lesson students improve general knowledge of Natural disasters and managements. There the students have to create a web page according to the given topic. Under this task students improve their creativity. When they creating web pages they should have ability to use layout selection, font, structures and other tools in a organize manner. So finally students may be a good creator as well as good designer. Here pupils improve their writing skills.
Students should able to access the internet to gather specific information to make web pages. So here students identify and accepts the important of internet and web pages. Here teacher assign them to experiment the web pages. So the students should be a good experimenter, because they will have to consider the various aspects of the communication process, receiver, content, layout, structure and navigations.

Pedagogical aspects

In this lesson students experiment to web page designing to select proper layout, font, structure and navigations to their web pages, because it helps to avoid the fascinations. Finally students should have ability to create proper web pages for their lesson. Using internet they should bale to find relevant information and images for their web pages. Here they should have to consider about the purpose of designing web pages, target group, communication situation, structure and navigation, layout, production, publishing and other relevant tools.
Teacher leads the discussion to select a proper layout for their web pages, because teacher must give instruction it use a same layout for their all pages and same font style and other relevant feature, because it should be eye catching. In here teacher discuss about the selected name of the web pages and the links between the pages and publishing, because it helps to create successful designing. Finally teacher gives more room to review the publication to grade 8 students. Then according to their view points they should have ability to make changing where necessary.

Aspects of ICT

Here students use internet to gather relevant information. So the students should able to handle web pages. It helps to get some ideas of designing web pages. Through this task students should have to consider about their target group. To get audience attention for their web pages should include proper layout, font size, font colors and background, etc. So the students should have ability to handle navigations and proper management. When they creating a web page should have to consider about the text and images which relevant to their target group.
The long text can make it more manageably by dividing it in to paragraphs, and giving each a suitable heading. Students can use bullets or numbers to organize an index a list of task or instructions. Not only that they should bale to create book marks to access it easily. As a planning tool they can choose to make a structural diagram. That can be made on the black-board or a piece of cardboard cards.

Of teachers,
Teacher should have ability to communicate in English. In this lesson teacher use the internet to find the relevant images and download specific facts. Here teacher displays the sample web pages (attached in “sample web site to grade 7” folder) to convey clear ideas about the lesson and the task that the teacher going to give them. When doing this lesson teacher should have ability to select proper layout, font style, font sizes, headings, colors and images. Mainly in this lesson teacher should have to instruct the students to create web pages. So teacher should have a proper knowledge of internet and as well as the web pages.
When choosing the content of a site, students must consider the target groups and it applies when it comes to the structure and appearance of the page, its layout. To give them above mentioned instructions teacher should have a slight understanding of web designing. Especially in this lesson teacher should advice them to go for a simple layout with a limited amount of typographical effects, because it helps to create a readability of the web pages. Here teacher should advice the students to work with table to get excellent advantage of formatting a page.

Of students,
To make and advance web pages as the grade 7 students should able to handle the internet and web design properly. Before starting the task they should be considerate and conscious of whom they are communicating to, what they wish to say and what aids are appropriate to use. Students should have to work together and must communicate and argue, because they are constantly making choice and evaluating the results of their experiments.
Students should have to use particular font style, colors and characteristics illustrations, logos or other decorative elements. When students create their own web pages, they should also consider about the screen layout. Their web pages must organize in a way that seems logical to the reader. Materials published on the web should also be structured in a way that is comprehensible to the audience. Especially in web designing students must create connections between the pages that achieve the expectations and needs of the user.
Not only should that student have to consider about the body text and layout more than the other attractions. They should have to place illustrations and text both attractively and manageably. They should able to use tables to control the position of text and images in relation to each other. Here students must consider about the choosing of background color that suits the heading and image. Students should consider how they will let the user experience the web site and whether it follows the logical structure of the material. Putting the heading and sub-headings to their web pages is also one of the main tasks for the students.

Activity plan of the lesson

Step 01(Analyzing)

Teacher makes aware the students of the lesson. Then assign to do the following task.

v Investigate the factors responsible for floods and land slides.
v Manage the challenges associated with floods and land slides.

According to the above facts let the students to make web pages in a creative way. First of all teacher should provide room to experiment the web design and select a proper layout and structure. (20 minutes)

Step 02(Collecting information)

Teacher provide sometime to collect the information. Here teacher should ask the students to use the internet to gather relevant facts. Using note pad or piece of paper they should bale to copy down the relevant facts. According to gathered information ask them to categorize it in to a column or a paragraph or in any position. Teacher instructs the students to use tables, paragraphs, headings, sub-headings. Here teacher asks the students to use mind map to plan the task. (20 minutes)

Step 03(Structuring of the material)

Here students should have to structure the materials. According to their mind map ask the students to structure the web pages using proper layout, fonts, colors and images. Teacher instructs the students to make a proper link between the all web pages. Planning make it much easier to students. (15 minutes)

Step 04(Digitalizing)

After structuring the web pages students should have to digitalize the materials. Teacher instructs the students to make the pictures and other relevant texts with a suitable capacity; if the pictures become larger it takes more capacity. So the presentation becomes very slow. Here teacher makes aware the students about the copy-right facilities. There the students should consider about the converting of the web pages. Ask the students to check whether their web pages should have the ability of presenting all computers.
(20 minutes)
Step 05(designing)

Teacher leads a discussion to design the web pages. In the beginning of the lesson teacher give room to select a proper web design. So here teacher helps them to make changing of web pages where necessary. Next students should consider what the pages should look like. Ask the students to decide the color of web site and choose the text color which is necessary for the reader. Through these all the things assign the students to design the web site. (15 minutes)

Step 06(Editing and reviewing)

Teacher asks the students to make sure about the structural diagram and all of the material exists in a digital format. Then using font styles, font sizes, font colors, images, navigations and other tools can be edited the actual production of the pages. According to the plan students should create a hyperlink between all the pages, and texts. And images should place in a proper way. Give them a chance to check whether the site looks good or bad in a browser. Ask the students to test the links and the functionality of the web site. (40 minutes)

Step 07(Publishing)

After editing the web site and testing it from their computer’s hard disk. If it should be seen by others on a local network, ask the students to put it on a drive that everyone can access. Here teacher should have to get the help of computer teacher. Then ask the students to present the web site to grade 8 students. According to their views make changing should able to publish their web site on the internet. For that the computer teacher will help them. Finally teacher evaluates the students’ creation and their efforts.
(30 minutes)

Module number 08 Assignment 08.1 Version 1.0

Group members -: 01. M.H.Dinesh Kumara

02. P.G. Bandula Karunarathna

03. W.N.P. Weerakkody

04. Y.H.N.N. Banduprema


In most cases of the school the administration meet very important point on time management system. The remedies are to be implemented get very important to consider on the advantages for the students. So considering the advantages that can be taken by the students, we thought it is timely need to implement the action plan to manage the library reference system as it appears a lots of loopholes in library management system. This is vastly affected to the students who get hard attempts to find some books as they wish. Wasting time and avoiding attempts can be seen commonly. The main reason, for this as we recognized is without having a proper management system.

As the school enrich with the modern technology, we as teachers thought this is a somewhat a simple task to put up the proper book reference system to bring conveniences to the students. Because of the arising new trends to the technical school innovation with global demands of information technology as it is became easier, faster, cheaper and accessible features. Then having used the features of the information technology, we thought to build up a proper reference system for the library.

Our vision

To build up the reading habits through offering more convenience

Objective of the project

Implementing the proper reference system to the library management system, we hope to achieve many goals as it seems a timely need. Firstly, it might be a system which increase the reading habits of the students because most of the students face inconveniences when searching the needed books from the book racks. Here they have to pay many attempts to find the relevant matters.

Secondly, as the students, they have to fulfill the targeted subject matters on the day and therefore they have to reefer the library in some short period of time in a day. Here they have no time to waste their valuable time. Then students want a faster and convenience reference method to refer the library. To make this more convenience aspects of reference system is our main target.

Current status of the LMS

The current situation of the LMS basically affect to the students and the other user of the library as it shown the snail aspect of formula. The administrative of the library is not provided sufficiency facilities to referee the books. And also the traditional system does not help to the referees to feasible and flexible approach. Without having a proper book referring system and the books are not in order and the inactive administrative system have made huge loopholes conveying the bad effects to the referees. The current situation goes on bringing some bad effects to the referees, but the responsible persons are not aware to rehabilitate it to the relevant with the modern information communication technology.

SWOT analysis of the project


· A library with a lots of books

· Making the books in order provides a lot of benefits to the referees.

· The accessible to get the relevant knowledge of any subjects when the referees on the nail.

· It is timely need to convey the knowledge because of the busy and competitive aspects of the modern learning scenario.

· To build up a place that enhances the interest of reading.


· Thought there are many books, they are not an order.

· Unable to take the knowledge when the time of hurry to the referees.

· The first appearance of the library (when enter ) does not help to referees to make the involvement to attract the library

· The present administration is been strictly with the traditional system.

· Thought it has enough spaces in the library, the referees feel some tidiness with the arrangement.


There are many opportunities that can be seen in the school premises and the learning teaching scenario in the school. The physical environment is bringing more chances and the financial and human resources can be involved with the project.


It is hardly can be seen the threats as the school seem enrich with both the human resources and the physical resources.

Beneficiaries : School Management, the office clerk and the class teachers.

Time Duration One year of pilot period

Procedure (Action)


Persons Involved

Time Allocation

· Analyze the present situation and identify the need of a new action plan. And also they have the responsibility to make necessary suggestions as the remedy of the issues. Project designer show the slide of the plan (Attachment 01)

Project designers

one week

· Then categorize the books according to the subjects and the medium of writing and numbering the books.

ICT team of the school.

Two weeks

· Making separate shelves put the each category of books separately which has already prepared.

Administrators and the ICT team

Two weeks

· Take the necessary details of the books with their reference numbers and other details such as author, date, publications etc…

The ICT team with help of the librarian.

Two weeks

· Computerize the details which have already taken by the ICT team

Centre manager with the ICT team

Two weeks

· Taking help hand of the librarian and other administrations, check the details which have taken both computerizing and entering the books whether it is correct or not selecting what are the suitable method to implement to entering the data.

The principle of the school, the librarian and the ICT team

Two months

Feed back

In the course of implementation of the project the ICT team hoped to fulfill several goals by means of providing the benefits to the students who always inters to reading and aware to use the library every day. At the end of the projects it is necessary to check the positive elements of the rehabilitation programme as the amount of our hopes. Then we can be observed take books, return the books in certain order than in the previous days checking the new implemented method is good or bad. Then we can see the points that should be change further, making necessary points to improve the reading ability to the students